We leave today for 12 glorious days in Paris, France. It will be my kids first time over the pond and I am so excited to show them everything. We will be staying in one place the entire time, taking a few day trips out of the city. My doggies are sad, but we have someone staying at the house full time while we are gone. Yep. I know. They are spoiled. Whatcha gonna do??
Many of you know that I have pondered what to do with The Homeless Finch while I am gone. I have noticed that people who blog often have friends guest blog during absences. I haven't been blogging long enough to make something like that happen. So, I have made the decision to suspend The Homeless Finch until my return. Hope you guys are okay with that. Will you be here when I return? I hope so......
Until then, Au revoir!
Will miss you! Wish I could hide in the luggage!!!! Enjoy it! Find some cool art to bring back!
Wow! Have a wonderful vacation! There will be plenty of time to blog when you return. With lots of photos I hope.
We'll be here, waiting to here ALL about your wonderful trip! Be safe and have a marvelous time!
Have a wonderful and safe trip! We'll be here waiting for pictures and the play by play of all your adventures.
Of course we'll be here waiting for you and anxious to see pictures and hear about your adventures. I'm so envious.
I will still be here have fun !
I want to go to Paris and see this huge tower.
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