We all have friends who read our blogs. You know, the real life, non-blogging kind....the friends whom we knew way before we started blogging. Well, I have a small list of those people who read my blog. They usually pick up the phone to laugh about something I write or mention posts when I see them at lunch. One follower.....and may I just say, my very FIRST follower is my sister's friend, Sue. She comments from time to time on the blog, but mostly makes comments on my Facebook page or through my sister. I would characterize her comments to be pretty consistent with the theme of "What the heck? I could never do that!" She claims that she isn't crafty, artsy or creative like me. But she is for sure a "Deal Diva." She knows were to find the deals, the coupons and never eats out without one. If I am looking for a deal on something, I usually contact her.....She has the low down.....very savvy for sure is this Sue.
So imagine my surprise and excitement when I returned home to find myself tagged in a photo on Facebook. The caption read: "Lesley, this is all your fault." Here is the image.
Yep.....that is a kitty basket sitting on the back seat of her car. Puzzled I asked her what this had to do with me, while in the back of my mind wondering if indeed she trash picked or snagged a deal on this little creature. She responded, "Check out my Facebook wall." This is what I found...
How exciting is this?!!! A personal friend, who claims not to know the first thing about re-purposing or craftiness has gained inspiration from
The Homeless Finch and re-purposed a $2 kitty cat basket into a potato basket for her kitchen. When I started blogging, I was doing it for me. Little did I know how much I would be giving others. Makes me feel good and after the week I have had with the
drywall guys, I needed the smile. Now THAT is cool beans!
-The End-
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Now you know how I feel! ;)
Go Sue, go!!
Great story about Sue!
Good luck with the drywall.
Oh.My.God. LOL
Cool beans indeed! You just never know who you are going to rub off on...lol.. Blessings!
OMG I am cracking up
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