Cool vintage skates I own. |
The Homeless Finch has been going through some growing pains in the last month. After coming off of summer vacation, I have really been thinking a lot about the direction of my blog and trying to develop some goals. I have noticed while looking back over all my posts, that I really enjoy writing more than just tutorials, or project reveals. I seem to really love using this platform to address my 'ponderings' on life as a studio artist, wife a friend and mother of two teenagers.

For me it isn't just about art, decor, paint or gardening. It's about living. It's about thinking about how we treat others, the choices we make, our goals and our dreams. It's about sharing with the reader some truths that I have come to know at the not so ripe age of 47.
So when I opened my email yesterday from Deb Owen of
Twice Nice, I was totally taken back. Deb highlighted The Homeless Finch as one of her Top 15 Versatile Blogs!! What an honor!! "Versatile Blogger." Wow. I am super touched by this, even if it is the opinion of one person. It matters. On top of it, I am on a list with some pretty impressive bloggers. If you want to take a look click
Being a recipient of this award, there are three rules one must follow according to Deb. They are
1. Thank the person who awarded you. (Duh, easy)
2. Tell 7 things about yourself that your readers may not know. (Yikes! okay...will attempt this.)
3. Award 15 bloggers with this award. (Not going to do. Not because I don't have 15 favs, but because it feels a little chain letter-ish to me. I have a rule never to engage in chain letters.)
So here is my thank you.........
for the huge compliment!!! and
Here are my 7 little known facts:
Roosters in my cupboard. |
1. I am one of four siblings and the only one with my grandfather's dark, olive complexion. The rest are white as snow. (Made for an interesting childhood)
Pine bench my hubby gave me |
2. I am a pretty serious political junkie. Just don't talk about it on my blog. Like to keep that separate.
Master Bedroom Reveal image. |
3. I have a lead foot in the car and prefer driving sports cars. So much so that I do not own the SUV that many woman own for toting home kids and yard sale finds.
A little something sitting on my Hall Tree. |
4. I was seriously bullied by girls in high school, something that has carried pretty much throughout my adult life. Haven't had the strongest track record picking good girlfriends. In a good spot with the ones I have now... I think! I also do not hang with a lot of woman. Clicky women and me don't mix!!
Woodsy getting a upgrade. |
6. I have Hashimoto's Disease, which is a fancy name for a Thyroid condition.
Two of the finches in my aviary. Tux and Seedo. |
7. I do not own a single designer handbag. I would rather switch out my bag three times a year for something cheap and trendy.
Chest of drawers reveal image. |
So there you have it...little known facts, that now are out there on the Internet. (nervous giggle)
Do you have anyone in your life, even a casual friendship with another blogger that you appreciate? Have you thanked them lately, or let them know how much they mean to you? No? Well, get to it. Life is short and nothing beats an honest to goodness compliment!
-The End-