I have always wanted a white room. But let's be honest here. How many of us can not take the risk of furnishing a room in all white and have the audacity to think that our kids will be as excited and keep it clean? For years I have said to myself, "I will have an all white room when my kids are grown and gone." Well, my kids aren't 'gone,' but they are teens and my new home has a formal living room just inside the front door away from the family room and media room. So why wait?!

So here is my before pic. The room had a seriously ugly faux finish and garish ceiling. I mean, who paints a ceiling anything but white? Look at those grandma curtains. I knew they were going bye bye. My friend, Ted, helped me hang the art before we painted the room. I knew the painter could just leave the hangers in place. The only thing that was in the room was my pine farmhouse coffee table. I was
hell bent determined to make this room a white neutral room. Putting furniture into the room would make it impossible to turn back. Weird, I know.
In a recent copy of Southern Living Editor Lindsay Beirman wrote an article entitled,
10Tried-and-True Decorating Rules. His number one rule was:
1. When you just want a room to be "warm white,"meaning not too yellow or too peachy or too anything else, then go with Benjamin Moore Ivory White (925). Don't overthink this—I've already done enough agonizing for everyone and can say for sure that it works pretty much anywhere, unless you're going for museum-like sterility, in which case you're reading the wrong magazine.
So I took his advice and didn't even try the color in a swatch. I told my painter to buy it and start painting. Yes, I realize, this is a serious cliff dive for me. For those of you who know me, I am the swatch queen. I figured that if Lindsay was that sure, I would just go for it. I am so super pleased with the results.
Having bought two
Pottery Barn Basic Sofas with the White Twill Slipcover, I needed a white for the walls that had a little variation to offset the bright white (close to blinding white) of the slipcovers. Benjamin Moore's 925 did the trick.
Ahh. Love these windows without those heavy curtains. Clean. |

I search high and low for two matching occasional chairs. I searched at all my local consignment and thrift shops, but couldn't find two matching chairs that fit my needs. I realized that I had to expand my search to local new furniture stores. I wanted a neutral fabric, but a chair with character. Nothing slip-covered. I found these two chairs and fell in love. They are from
Lexington Furniture's Kingstown Collection for Tommy Bahama and are called Maarten Chairs. The chair comes in a variety of finishes. The finish on these particular chairs is a silvery taupe grey and the fabric is a wonderful nappy linen. With nickel finished nail heads, what's not to love?! The console tables under the paintings were in the same collection, which helped tie the taupe color into the room.
The pillows and throws (also shown in the first image in this blog post) are in a variety of neutral tones and textures. I bought them this week at Pier One and Home Goods. I am still looking for a bench or a pair of ottomans for the open side of the seating arrangement.
I added an accent of taupe to the inside of the recessed ceiling. The taupe sets the ceiling off nicely drawing the eye in a subtle way.
I love how the white walls allow my colorful artwork to pop. The center painting is a Haitian Painting by a well known painter, Louis Rosemont. The two paintings flanking the Rosemont piece are two pieces that I painted a little over a year ago.
In the image below is a 6 foot by 6 foot painting that I found in a consignment shop. I have no idea who the artist is, but I fell in love with it and scooped it up. It stands alone nicely. (see below)
Here is a quick shot of the dining area that is adjacent to this living room. It's not really complete, but it's fine for now. I am continuing the white theme throughout the entire space.
Super excited about how this has developed. Oh! and guess what? My teens haven't even come close to my living room! They have not once sat on the white sofas! That's what happens when you don't put a television in a room!
Now, it's time to go get a little rest. Coco is already ahead of me with that!