There is a saying that travel changes people. Having done my fair share of traveling, I would say that travel gives a person time and space in the context of another culture to re-evaluate their lives, their choices, their goals. Still basking in the glow from our 12 day holiday in Paris, I am posting briefly, to let those who are wondering that, like the French, I will taking the rest of the month of August off from The Homeless Finch. I will be returning in September.
Until then, I will be recharging my feathers and preparing to take flight for a very exciting Fall season. For are a few of my favorite images from Paris.
View from our room |
My daughter "planking" at the Notre Dame |
Montmartre |
Me admiring Vermeer's The Lacemaker. I have a strong connection
to this painting, as a painter and as a maker. |
An amazing image that my daughter took while we strolled through
Luxembourg Gardens one day. Magic. |
A building in Marie Antoinette's Hamlet at Versailles. I have been to
Versailles before, but the Hamlet is a long walk beyond the
main chateau and my previous travel companions
didn't want to make the trek. I have always
wanted to see this....amazing day. |
Leaving Disneyland Paris at night. Beautiful property. |
A "snack" we had while lounging in the park around the corner from
our hotel. Yes, it was as great as it looks! |
Does this really need a caption?! |
Hope the rest of your summer is awesome. See you in September!
-The End-