Thursday, June 28, 2012

Red Ladder Back Chairs Take a Backseat From The Dining Room But Are Front And Center In Breakfast Nook

A few days ago I showed you the dining chairs that I found at a consignment shop and the subsequent reupholstering in white. In that post I mentioned that my red ladder back chairs, who had been married to my farmhouse dining table for over ten years, had to go since the dining and living room is being designed using all neutrals.

Today, I am showing you where they ended my breakfast nook. I don't know if I should call it a nook, because this area has very large, wonderful french windows which open up to the outdoor living space. So it is not really very 'nooky,' but you get the point.  Perhaps, I need a new name for the area. If you got one, please share it!

I found this super gorgeous round glass top pedestal table at one of my favorite consignment stores. I loved it the moment I set my eyes on it, but felt like it had a lofty price attached to it.  But after doing a little research, I learned that was made by the fine furniture company Henredon and had gone for well over 5 times what it was currently priced.  I ask myself, "Who the heck spends all that money on such a table and then just decides to sell it for next to nothing?"  Well, their stupidity is my gain! (wink)

This nook (I swear I need a new name) is adjacent to my family room, which I showed you a peek in my blog post.  The slipcover fabrics and the rug have the same cranberry red color in them, so the chairs were perfect.  We eat at this table frequently and I love the glass top because it is easy to wipe up with a little spritz of Windex and a paper towel.

I change out the top of the table every few days.  My sister, Lisa, just found this totally cute little green owl at Salvation Army for me.  As many of you know, I give my owls a white paint face lift.  But, I think he will stay green for now.  We have had a debate going on about that hole in his chest.  Any guesses as to why that hole is there?  Come on...give me a guess.  Let's see if we can come up with it!

So I've have done a lot of things like this around my new house.  I am hoping to get around and get images so you can see some of my progress.  Hope it inspires you in some way.  Hey! one more image of that awesome table base!

To die for! Hope you have a great weekend!  I'm getting out and enjoying some of this sunshine.  That Tropical Storm we had lingering over us last weekend was a bummer.  Gonna go put my face in the sun.

-The End-


Twice Nice said...

That is a gorgeous table! Good find! As for your green owl I think Planter maybe or sink side the hole could be for one of those nylon scrubby things?? As for your nook I think you could just call it "prime seating" since it has a spectacular view! ;-)

Olive said...

Wow that table is the bomb diggity and your house is splendid. The owl is a faux bird house I think. hugs, olive

Olive said...

Lesley, I have just tried to follow you four times with GFC and Yahoo accounts and it will not go through. I did get you on my blog roll so now I can comment on your site frequently.

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Nice find, Lesley. Love those red chairs. I can tell you're having fun with your decor. Everything looks so cozy.

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Forgot to mention how much I love the owls. So cute.

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

I love the red chairs with your light blue walls! And they fit perfectly with your repurposed table. Definitely a room with a view.

Love the new blog header! I just changed mine out yesterday, but not liking the blurry photos, so I'll change it out on a rainy day. We've got a beautiful day here, too, so I'm heading outdoors. But not before I slather on my 110 sunscreen!

Unknown said...

table base = fab-U-lous
can't wait to see more
and the owls are cute

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

What a pretty spot! The chairs are great, and you're right--the table base is to-die-for!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post about red ladder back chair of better home dining. Thanks for sharing.