This post was published within the first 2 weeks of my blog back in April of 2011. I have been spending a lot of time in the last few days re-evaluating The Homeless Finch and trying to connect with why I started to blog in the first place. This was my first tutorial. I think the project is worthy enough to re-post. I was still using flash, so excuse the quality of some of the images.
Blast from the Past: How to: Simple Chandelier Decor
I quick comment about how to pick the right flower for your home. I just painted the interior of my house. It needed a fresh color. As you can see in the background of this image, I chose an asparagus green. It's bright and happy. When I saw these roses, the touches of green were similar to my new walls, so I knew they would look awesome. So, pay attention to the colors in your room even if you would call it neutral. Take that color as a cue. It helps.
So, take your long stem flower and temporarily take off the leaves. They just get in the way and you can pop them back on later. Besides, you might damage the fragile leaves in the process. (Learned that one the hard way.) Next you are going to start forming the ring buy bending the stem into a circle. See below.
You might need to use your pliers to bend this in areas that the wire inside the stem is stiff. Next, you will start to weave the stem over and under itself while working it in a circle. This keeps the ring intact by locking them together. (See below)
Keep bending and working the stem around itself weaving up and over and back down again. If the flower falls off, or if it is easier to weave this without the flower on the end, feel free to remove it temporarily. You can add it back on later. (See below)
See that end in the upper part of the above image? I use my pliers to bend it back into the circle. A lot of these stems are just too stuff to only use your fingers and hand. I then secured that end with the entire ring with a 2 inch piece of my floral tie twisted tightly around it. I used my the wire cutter part of the pliers to trim the ends of the floral twist tie. (See below)
Now place your flower (if you removed it) back onto the stem. If you need to, use a glue gun to secure it back in place. Find the little 'poky things' that your leaves were previously attached to and work them back onto the ring. In some cases, I didn't like the location of that poky thing, so I just used a little of that green twisty tie and placed one where I wanted it. Work it however you chose. I didn't always return every leaf to the ring. I will keep the extras for a future project.
So this is what it should like like..... Only....I am sure that I twisted that leaf around so that the nice green side shows forward with the flower. (wink)
I have ten candlesticks on this chandelier, so I repeated this 10 times. I used an assortment of roses that were in the same collection, yet slightly different from each other. You can keep it consistent, by using the same flower or mix it up. It's your choice. After all it's your home.
Hope you enjoyed this re-published blog post. I removed these roses and replaced them with sunflowers during the summer. I can't find the darn bag with these roses in it!!! Wanna come over and help me look?!
Pair of pliers (Preferably a pair that also does wire cutting)
Green twist tie (I buy it by the roll and use it for everything. It's great for tying up kids.)
Long stemmed flowers.
You might need to use your pliers to bend this in areas that the wire inside the stem is stiff. Next, you will start to weave the stem over and under itself while working it in a circle. This keeps the ring intact by locking them together. (See below)
Keep bending and working the stem around itself weaving up and over and back down again. If the flower falls off, or if it is easier to weave this without the flower on the end, feel free to remove it temporarily. You can add it back on later. (See below)
See that end in the upper part of the above image? I use my pliers to bend it back into the circle. A lot of these stems are just too stuff to only use your fingers and hand. I then secured that end with the entire ring with a 2 inch piece of my floral tie twisted tightly around it. I used my the wire cutter part of the pliers to trim the ends of the floral twist tie. (See below)
Now place your flower (if you removed it) back onto the stem. If you need to, use a glue gun to secure it back in place. Find the little 'poky things' that your leaves were previously attached to and work them back onto the ring. In some cases, I didn't like the location of that poky thing, so I just used a little of that green twisty tie and placed one where I wanted it. Work it however you chose. I didn't always return every leaf to the ring. I will keep the extras for a future project.
So this is what it should like like..... Only....I am sure that I twisted that leaf around so that the nice green side shows forward with the flower. (wink)
You can add a wrap with some nice ribbon at this point, but I preferred the simplicity of the green thorny stems. (I didn't appreciate the blister the plastic thorns gave me on my left pointer finger.) Moving on, slip the little ring over your candlestick, or light bulb....whatever is this.....
So, here are the results!
Pretty cool I think. I did this entire project for 10 dollars, but I think it looks like a million bucks!
Remember, every path is worth taking.
Hope you enjoyed this re-published blog post. I removed these roses and replaced them with sunflowers during the summer. I can't find the darn bag with these roses in it!!! Wanna come over and help me look?!
-The End-
This looks so springy. I needed that today, as I've been watching it snow since this morning. We finally got some. I think reposting some older things is a great idea.
Thanks for the past post, Lesley. I didn't see this one. Great idea for Spring.
That is one sweetly romantic chandy! Very pretty, and I'm enjoying catching up with the you before I met you.
I love the chandy all dressed up for spring!
I tried republishing a post from last year, but must have done something wrong. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of the techie stuff!
I would love to help you look! Just say when!lol
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