Hey! Hello! Remember me??!! My last blog entry was back in August of 2012. I just dropped off the face of the earth. Well, I didn't really do such a thing. But I did have an abrupt happening in my life that changed it forever. I have decided to come back to my blog and start back writing. It's been too long. But I have been through an extremely painful time of my life and I just wasn't able to keep up with The Homeless Finch. The places I have been were all too difficult to open up and write about and all too encompassing for me to be able to ignore in my writing. I'm a truthful person...almost to a fault. But I knew what was happening needed to remain private and was all too crazy to share in an open forum like my blog. Perhaps I will share some of what has happened in a retrospective way in the upcoming weeks.
iPhone Pic from the studio |
In every dark day, there comes an enlightenment. I have learned a lot about myself and have grown exponentially as a person. Life is a journey. We pack a bag and in it we take ourselves, our heart, our hopes and our dreams. We live thinking we know certain truths, certain rules, ways of thinking. As a mother, I have learned that nothing is defined in truths, rules or thinking. We cannot live our lives thinking that if we do all the right things as a parent, that everything will just magically fall into place. Life is a constant flow of redesigning our paths to fit what lies ahead of us. It's about finding our true self. It's about adapting to what is, not what could have been. It's about the simple things, like stopping to notice something sweet in nature...to recognize the beauty around us. It's about today. It's about right now.
I am currently working on week 5 in Julie Cameron's
The Artist Way and will most likely write about my related experiences. I have been writing my Morning Papers religiously for over a month and participating in Artist's Dates bi-weekly. I consider myself an artist in recovery. If you don't know what I am talking about, I will explain in upcoming posts. I have finally started back painting in the studio and will show you my progress. I am working toward finally finding my artistic voice; a voice I was not entitled to as a child and have never really been able to find throughout my adulthood. Life is a journey...
Expect a change in the "look" of my blog coming up soon too! Glad to be back!
the painting is beautiful! and welcome back. hope everything is looking better these days for you.
It is wonderful to hear from you! I'm sorry you've been going through such a difficult time. Hope things are improving for you. The painting is lovely, and I look forward to hearing what the Artist's Dates are all about!
The painting is beautiful and it is nice to know that you are now on the light side of darkness. Looking forward to reading your blogs.
Welcome back, Lesley! I myself have been on a blog break because I just don't have the time to visit everybody and reply to comments the way I'd like. I'm trying to find a happy balance and I hope that you do too. I'm glad you're in a good place now and that things are looking better. I've thought of you often in the past months, and I'm looking forward to seeing your artwork.
Well my friend this is a pleasant surprise! I too have done The Artist's Way. It is amazing how a little exercise can help you find the joy in something. A friend sent me the book and it really help me discover things and get me back to me "real" creative self. This is a great step too! You know how I feel about your beautiful paintings. Maybe one day I can buy one from you! Selfishly I wished you would come back. I really hoped that in time you would get through the bumps and find the joy in what you love. I am beyond thrilled to see you back here. We will talk soon!!!
YAYAYAYAY!!!!! I'm so glad you're back. I think painting and writing will help you on your journey.
Nice to see you emerging, my friend. Welcome back. If you need an ear, you know where to find me.
I can't tell you how happy I was to see your post in my email. I am so glad you have decided to blog again. My heart breaks for you and the tough time you have had...I truly hope things are better. You know I'm here if you need anything. Welcome back!
I have missed you! So happy to see you back.
gorgeous painting, Lesley. I hope you continue to share your work here as you charge head first down that road of recovery!
It's so nice to see you writing again, welcome back Lesley! Love your painting. :)
I am glad you are back in the world of blogging. I will keep you in my prayers! God Bless you :)
what a great surprise! I wondered where you'd been. Your paintings are beautiful! I look forward to seeing more artwork and hearing more of you journey and growth. I'm intrigued by the title of the book and will look into it. Thank you for sharing!
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