"All life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there." - A Little Book of Happiness
I started this blog in 2011 with the idea that I would be able to share my ideas and give inspiration and instruction to whomever might be interested in the same things that I was...art, upcycling, re-newing that which is vintage, exploring flea markets, gardening and surrounding myself with the things that I love and in which I found value towards making a life well worth living.

After many years and several life changing events, which took me away from blogging, I now live in beautiful Southern California; a dream of mine since I was a teen. I bought a circa 1928 Spanish Style bungalow in the Ojai Valley and am hard at work renovating, decorating, redesigning and loving my new creative and peaceful life here. I've met a wonderful best friend and partner, Eric. You will be meeting him soon too since he will play a major role in the future of The Homeless Finch.
For those newer people in my life, I haven't addressed 'why The Homeless Finch?' I am a serial upcycler and re-purpose-aholic, vintage maven, fixer upper. I have the compulsive need to rescue all that is homeless. The funny little lost and discarded treasures I find bringing them into my life to make new again... or to which I give new purpose.
Today, we opened an account and filed for an official limited liability corporation in the State of California, The Homeless Finch LLC. The goal is to open a small retail space (brick and mortar and online) sometime within 2018, but we have a ton of work ahead of us to plan, build an inventory and scout out an appropriate location here in Ojai. We are also in the middle of rescuing this wonderful 1956 Dodge pick up to use as our company vehicle!
The Company Vehicle!
I am excited, after a ton of research and heartfelt exploring of myself, to embark on this great new adventure along with such a wonderfully talented artistic partner. We plan to merge our art, my passion for upcycling, gardening and the work of other Ojai Valley artists and artisans into a jumbled mix of whimsical, useful and fascinating arts, gifts and furniture.
Nothing should be homeless. Everything is renewable. At almost 54, I am going to renew myself too...again. Join me on the journey...
Can't wait to follow the journey. We are always renewing ourselves huh? I need to take s business trip to check out your artisans. I may be able to use them at Dreamingincolor
How wonderful to read this post. Good luck to you and your new best friend.
This is a cool beginning...or actually a continuing!
Yes!!!! Love to have you visit!
So excited to hear from you!
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