
Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am so taken back when someone features a post from my blog.  This is a list of some of my features with the most recent first.  To see the project, click on the image of the project.  To see the actual feature on the host's blog, click their blog button.   Have fun!

Mantel in my Master Bedroom

Featured at:

Crazy Love Letter Sign
Featured at:


featured at

Below are all the features that The Homeless Finch Recieved 
in 2011
Fun and Festive Holiday Snow Globes/Mini Jar Cloches
Featured at:

Funky Junk Christmas Gift Ornaments

Featured on:

Upcycled Sweater Sleeve Wine Bottle Bags

Featured at:


Metallic Ornament Wreath:Thrifty Doesn't Mean Cheapo
Featured at:


Festive, Funky Doily Christmas Trees
This project was part of my
25 Day Christmas and Holiday Series
Featured at


How to: Vintage Cabinet Gets A Chippy Finish
was featured by:

Jaime at Crafty, Scrappy, Happy

Courtney at French Country Cottage
Jacqueline at Simple Home Life....
I was caught by Gail at My Re-Purposed Life!!!!
My Nightstand Trash Pick Rescue was featured at

Beyond the Picket Fence, ."Under $100 Linky Party."
Beyond The Picket Fence
Second thank you goes to RoadKill Rescuer! I submitted my Night Stand Rescue.

and then guess who picked up the story.....

Thank you to SewWoodsy...My son's Red Hot Chili Pepper Table was featured at Sew Woodsy.


My Hall Tree Revealed: It's All Over But The Waxing  got a super duper nice FEATURE!
SJ at Homemaker on a Dime and her Creative Blogger' Blog Hop, Thanks, SJ!


My Master Bedroom Transformation was featured on the following two blogs.


Jewelry Box Makeover was FEATURED! at

One Day, One Chair Reveal Featured on the following three blogs


This desk was featured on the blog,


So I am so excited because my Cherished Chest of Drawers was featured
on the blog, My Repurposed Life!  If you want to see the feature click on this button.

Hope you enjoyed looking at my return to my Home HERE.

-The End-

Artist Statement

I rescue discarded items, furniture and tired elements and turn them into useful objects. I am a lifestyle space designer who thrives on creating places of beauty focusing on treasures from the past. I believe that re-purposing is an important skill/craft that our culture should pursue in order to cut down on waste and conserve on our resources. Sustainability is the key to our future here on Mother Earth.

Clay is the primary material in my sculptural work.  I often mix the media using found objects to convey a story. My work is primarily figurative in nature, but I also indulge in make objects to enhance household life.

When I approach my canvases, I do so with a very loose concept of what I will create.  I love to build my work through layering of line, color and texture. I enjoy the interactions between lines and colors and the forces that are created as they interact on the canvas.  Working in a variety of medium I employ many different techniques including both direct mark making and indirect methods of laying down imagery. 

My work is constantly evolving and I am not afraid to completely cover a previous work and start again using only parts of the previous painting as an under painting.  I have a tendency to work with vibrant colors and dramatic rolling lines.  I mix my colors intuitively, leaving behind the scholarly ways that I was taught in the past and building tones, using them, adding more tone and continuing.

My imagery varies and often is as a result of my moods.  I never finish a painting in one sitting and rarely finish one within the week I start one.  Every mark is an out flow of my personal energy to the painting surface.

My work is a journey....a never ending documentation of the paths that I explore...

-The End-

Contact Me

The Homeless Finch Studio

Artist/Designer/Blogger:  Lesley Laine

I'd love to hear from you!!!

Contact me by mail at:
Lesley Laine and The Homeless Finch Studios
411 Buena Vista Drive
Ojai, CA 93023

Contact me directly though email: