
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cabinet Knobs Using Stones and Jute

A few days ago, I revealed Master Bathroom Cabinet Makeover.  I promised you that I would come back with information regarding the knobs that I fashioned for the cabinets using the existing hardware with the addition of stones and jute.  Many of you know that I ordered knobs from Hobby Lobby and when they arrived, they were defective.  No worries, Hobby Lobby took a full refund without question.  But it left me with a dilemma.  What to do?

I went on a few trips and brought back a few sample knobs.  I just wasn't happy.  I wanted something different.  I wanted a stone look.  After all, the floors are a speckled granite, the counter tops and tile a black granite.  I wanted something that tied them together.  Then it hit me.  Stones.  It was that simple.  I went to my stash of stones, shells, mancala beads...You know, the stuff we put in plates with candles and such that the stores sell in clear plastic drawstring bags.  Here is what I did.

Assorted polished stones
Existing knobs for the base
Liquid Nails Clear Adhesive
Hot Glue and scissors

I set out the knobs and chose stones in groupings according to the cabinet on which they would be attached. On the four drawers I did a 'little something extra' by attaching a few small stones atop the first stone.  The bottom drawer got a stone with a message.

I attached them to the old knobs, which now are operating as my shank.  I let these sit up for two straight days before attaching them to the doors and drawers so that the adhesive would be strong. 

After waiting a few days more for the adhesive to completely cure, I took a roll of jute and hot glue and attached the jute to the neck of the knobs where the stone meets the shank.  I wanted to give them a more finished look and make the stone look like it belong there. 

I am super please with this upgrade at basically no cost since I already had the stones.  They give a spa-like feel to the cabinets and nicely tie the natural materials in the bath and the cabinets together.  They are not your standard knobs for sure.  But nothing has ever been very standard about me. So why not fun hardware?!! 

If you didn't get to see the full cabinet review before seeing this post and you want to quickly take a look, click HERE.  There will be a back link to this post, so no worries.  Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial on a funky approach on bath cabinet knobs.

Hey, and remember...You only have one life.  It's yours to live, for YOU.  If you want stones and jute for cabinet knobs...what's stopping you?!!  Enjoy the day.

-The End-
Everything Under the Moon


  1. They look fabulous! I love how you think outside the box. Deb

  2. these are so cool and rustic looking!
    happy thanksgiving, friend!

  3. What a wonderful idea. I love your knobs - they look great!
    Thanks so much for sharing. Can't wait to try this :)

  4. I love the way these came out! Such a neat idea. New follower here. Would love it if you would stop by and share this at my link party going on right now :)

    Have a great week!!
