
Sunday, December 25, 2011

25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Series: Day 25

Merry Christmas!

Here is my tip for you today...make sure you relish every moment, even the not so great ones.  Be thankful for whatever it is you have now. Hope for even better days ahead.  Most importantly, remember to love yourself.  You are deserving....

The studio of The Homeless Finch

Have the Happiest of days today.  I am going to to be taking off a few days to enjoy my family and recuperate from the last 25 days and all the zaniness that has gone on here behind the scenes at The Homeless Finch.  I have one guest post at the end of the week. Besides that, I will see you guys again in 2012! 

Thank you to all my wonderful followers, especially all the new followers who found their way to my blog this past month.  I am so very grateful today for all of you.  Thanks for the support, the comments and the encouragement.  With you, I would have never made it to the end of this crazy crazy journey over the last 25 days. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did presenting it!!

When I get let out of the straight jacket I'm putting together some new and exciting things to show you after the first, so come back and check it out! 

 Hugs. Lesley

Goodbye for now hope you enjoyed my 
25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Ideas and Gifts Series!!

-The End-


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas Lesley, and yes, get some rest.

  2. Merry Christmas to you! Enjoy your much-deserved rest.

  3. It was a blast to follow. Thanks for doing the series. So many great ideas!!! what a lot of work you put into this series, and I appreciate it!

  4. Thanks for the great ideas! When Christmas is just a distant memory to everybody else, my family will finally be celebrating our belated day. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! xo,vickie

  5. Merry Christmas Lesley and wishes for a wonderful New Year! I'm one of your late joiners and I didn't get to see your entire 25 days of Christmas until today. Thanks for 25 great ideas, I'm pooped just looking at all you did. I hope you are enjoying your break. Linda

  6. happy 2012 to you and I hope you have a nice rest and loads of fun times with the family ! Me TOO !

    - KAT -

  7. Loved, loved every single posting...thank you so much for taking the time to post such unique and creative ideas! Merriest of Holidays!

  8. I just found your great blog. I can't wait to visit and see what you do in the new year!
