
Friday, December 23, 2011

25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Series: Day 23

Very Last Minute Gift Tags From Recycled Holiday Cards

Christmas is almost here!  The excitement is building. You have just a few more gifts to complete.  But, UGG! need a gift tag!  Well, you could always walk in and give you gift, hoping the recipient remembers you brought such a lovely, thoughtful gift, or you can take two minutes to throw together this charming little Gift Tags from Recycled Holiday Cards.  Here's how...

Gather up some of those old Christmas cards that you have been saving, or some of the ones you received from people, well lets be honest, whom you hardly remember knowing! (wink)  Here is a basic supply list....
Old Holiday Cards
Spare Wrapping Paper (optional, I didn't use but you can)
Holiday Themed Scrapbook Paper (optional)
Glue stick, rubber cement
Scissors...standard or decorative edged
Hole Punch
Here is an example of a pile of cards that I have saved from years past.  Notice as you look at them, how little gift cards, when cut out of the card, seem to leap to your eye! 

Don't get what I talking about??  Read on....

Grab a card and take a look at what is on the card zeroing in on the pretty parts of the card.  These are your new gift cards. 
This card is pretty obvious.  The tags
are basically already there waiting to
be cut out!

Look at the "Merry Christmas."
It creams gift tag! Even the top red
printed part would make a neat tag.
Don't forget the flap on envelops.  Often times they have a
motif that is usable.

Another good source is holiday scrapbook paper. 
Pretty obvious where to cut.
Even the inside of cards are great!  Don't forget to cut
out the message.  They make great gift tags too!
Here is a motif that I got off the back of a card.

Sometimes you get this...the other side of the motif you want
has something on it like type.  Just cut out a piece of white
or decorative paper in the same size and glue stick them
Here it is glued together.
Add a thin red ribbon and you have
yourself sweet little tag!
The back of this is from an envelop flap.  The little red
motif is from the top part of that photo card that I showed you.
and the top little birdie motif is cut our of a decorative paper.
They all came from different places, but come together nicely.
Don't forget The Graphics Fairy!!  If
you don't have any cards, you can always
get your graphics from her. 
A ton of Christmas graphics for free.
Sometimes a card gives you an easy gift card.  This glittery
dove adorned a card and now will be a neat gift tag.
This card in the background had a neat french style
script on it.  Don't be afraid of the logo though.  This neat
little cut out from some decorative paper will cover that up!
Using a glue stick, I covered the logo. 
Cut out the card for a nice border.
My little collection of tags.  They took no time at all.

In the end, you will get some super neat custom tags in a split second without spending your hard earned dollars.  Remember to save those card from this year, for next year.  If you need a quick tag and don't have any cards, don't forget The Graphic Fairy! Click HERE to get to her Christmas Collection of free graphics.  It's a busy day... the fat man arrives tonight!  Hope all of you are having a wonderful season.  Hugs.

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for my
Day 24 
25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Ideas and Gifts Series!!

-The End-


  1. I think you are about the smartest lady in blogland! Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for tomorrow.

  2. These are gorgeous. Can you only imagine what E would write on them? hehe

  3. i am all over that red and aqua bird one! love it!
    merry christmas- hope the wedding was amazing! :)

  4. I LOVE reusing/recycling/repurposing everything! This would be good to do with the kids next week while they are off and then next year our tags will be ready to go. Deb

  5. Great idea, Lesley! I have saved all of my Christmas cards for just such an activity. Now I just need to convince myself to sit down and do it sometime. Maybe in July of 2012?? lol! :)

  6. Hi Lesley! I decided to check out your blog after my your helpful advice making that bow for your friends' gift at the Muse. Delightful blog you have, very creative and innovative!
