
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Series: Day 21

Special Moments Photo Pillow

First off.....

**Happy Hanukkah**

to my friends who celebrate!
Hope your celebrations are wonderful!

By now we are all in the final stages of getting ready for the holiday weekend.  I wanted to share a project that I completed last week.  If you have been following my blog during this series, you might remember my Day 3 blog post Christmas Memories Photo Pennant Banner.   For those who missed it and don't want to click back at this point, it was a pennant banner made with images of awesome times in the past.  (image on the right)

While I was sorting through old photographs, I came upon this next photo.

It stopped me dead in my tracks.  I sat and gazed at this captured moment and with years between the time the image was taken and now, I got all choked up.  You see, that little boy is 17 now and that little girl is 14.  Certainly I have images of them sitting around in frames from this time, but this image captured something.  It captured the essence of my son.  You see, I know that at the time this photo was taken, he already knew the truth about Santa and yet, after already posing for pics and getting their treats, he returned to give Santa a hug.  

I knew that I had to do something special with this photograph.  Something more than just framing it.  It needed it's own special place.  I decided to make a nice Christmas pillow. 

I bought a nice heavy decorative plain white fabric and transferred the image using the transfer paper method. 

I then got together all the supplies I would need to make a little Christmas Pillow.

I put together the pillow in a very standard way and used velvet red Christmas ribbon folded into a trim to finish off the sides.

This little staging area is the back of an
old mantel that I plan to restore next year.
At 17, he talks a big game; all tough.  Sometimes I wonder how he got so jaded.  Seeing this image reminded me that deep inside, he is still that little boy who wants to believe in the miracles. Wants to dream big dreams and have them come true.  Life as a teenager has been hard on him and the protective walls have come up, like what happens to so many dreamers.   I understand that.  We all have to do what it takes to get us through it all.  I only hope, that after high school, he will embrace that dreamer inside and remember...he can believe in miracles.

Keep your eye and hearts open this holiday season for the little miracles.  Sometimes it is as simple as taking the time to sort through old photographs and finding a gift all it's own wrapped in timeless paper.
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for my
Day 22 of
25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Ideas and Gifts Series!!

-The End-


  1. Beautiful sentiments and pillow. (pssst: I hope so too!)

  2. Man you're making me weepy too! That is so special.

  3. that is so sweet, and just like deb, i got all choked up, too.... man we are an emotional bunch! :)

  4. It is a little sad when the grow up. Funny on Christmas morning mine turn into those precious little children again. I'll take it even if it is a little while. Oh the magic of Christmas!lol

  5. Oh My Lesley !
    That brought tears to my eyes ! you are so right about this . we must always be on the look out for reminders of the simple moments in time that give joy.


  6. Our children grow up so quickly! I was looking through old photos today remembering when ours were little. Sigh.

  7. What a sweet picture. I'm glad you were able to make something extra special with it. I bet you'll get a big hug of your own for this.

  8. Beautiful and what a wonderful and creative idea. Christmas Blessings!

  9. That's so sweet! I'm treasuring every moment of my toddler's "dreamy" days. I know they won't last. :( This is such a great sentiment!
