
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Series: Day 13

Ring For A Drink Pier One Knock Off

I was shopping for a few little things in my local Pier One Imports store a few weeks back and I saw these...
Drink Bell
I thought, "Oh, I could so buy that bell for a few of my girlfriends, how hysterical!!"  But for $6, I thought it was kinda plain looking.  That same day, I was in my local Dollar Tree and saw these... probably know where this is going.  I bought 5 of them and brought them home for a little The Homeless Finch treatment.  Within 30 seconds, I had one of them out in the back testing my Valspar Spray Paint.  Yep...didn't even set up a proper paint area and YES, there is still red paint over spray on the half dead lawn.  Oh well...

I didn't take this project too seriously.  I painted one red, one green, left one silver, added fine silver glitter to another and hot pinked up the last one. 

I played around with the message portion, handwriting it and in a few cases, trying out stickers.  I top them all off with some sort of bow treatment. 

Here are the results:

This is one silly creation, but why not?!! It's a funny little token gift to take along with you to a holiday party.  After all, it's the holidays!  I girl can have a little fun can't she?  Cheers!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for my
Day 14
25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Ideas and Gifts Series!!

-The End-
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  1. These are too cute, Lesley! I love how different you were able to make them. These will be such fun gifts!

  2. these are so cute and so funny! i need one! ;)
    and guess what i found out- santa will be back at the firehouse for breakfast saturday morning.... guess who is going this time!

  3. Fun stuff Lesley!! I think all my friends need one! :o) Robin

  4. These are just too dang adorable...really cute gift. Way better than the Pier 1 version!

  5. I think these are my favorite so far. They are soo cute. You did a great job.

  6. Hi Lesley,

    I think we all need one. lol
    Very cute!


  7. I love how one of them says ring for a drink.

